The Key to Getting Great Work When You Outsource is…

computer keyboard as example for outsource example

One key to getting great work when you outsource is writing a clear and specific job description.  Below is an example of a research job I posted on Odesk (now; I got outstanding work from the person I hired. Do you see why? Read the job description as if you were an applicant for this job – do you feel confident you know exactly what the job deliverables are? I used examples to make it clear what I was looking for, and see how specific I was about the maximum number of characters in each stat? I did not want to have to go back and edit these stats – I wanted the work ready-to-use.

By the way, research is a terrific task to outsource, and Upwork is one resource to find the right person at a very reasonable price. The person I hired was a bright graduate student looking for extra cash.

Find 200 stats on email volume & break into twitter posts 

Job Description

You have to collect information about simple facts that describe either
1) email volume
2) negative effects of email on productivity
3) stress caused by email

In general, facts should pertain to North America, although comparisons to other countries would be fine. If fascinating, even if does not specifically pertain to North America, include it.

For example:
“Three quarters of all Americans spend more than an hour a day on email.”

I will need 200 different facts, & include reliable source (original source if possible) and link to source. Each fact should be no more than 124 characters, so it can be posted on twitter (124 characters is for the fact, not the source and link). One source can be used multiple times.

Some ideas of other facts that would be useful (these are ideas, not requirements):

How much time spent daily/weekly/yearly (this would be 3 facts)
Time spent by profession (especially solopreneurs, small business owners)
Comparisons of time spent by profession
Comparisons of time spent per year
Comparisons of time spent per country
Time spent on spam
Most resented types of email
Is CAN-Spam working?
How to make CAN SPAM complaint
problems w/ CAN Spam
Email open rates. how changed over time. reasons why open rates declining
How often we are interrupted by email
how many emails rec’d per day/mo

Final product should be delivered in format that will make it easy to post to twitter and keep track of when each fact was posted. Once I have reviewed facts, I would like you to use tweetdeck to schedule one tweet a day for 200 days.

I am willing to pay hourly or fixed price. [end of ad]

This research was used for a Twitter campaign to promote a new program, but there are many other ways to use research. Consider having someone research your competition (important for a business or marketing plan), or speaking opportunities, or maybe just for fun facts about your industry or area of expertise that you can sprinkle in your website, blog, or in a trivia contest on your Facebook page. I’m sure you can come up with even more ideas – please share them in the comment section.

As your business grows, effective delegation becomes ever more important – it’s one thing that will keep you from working 24/7. <!– hide text Yet many entrepreneurs have been disappointed with the results when they delegate. Join me in a FREE tele-class ‘How to Work Less, Make More, & Love Your Business Again!‘ and learn the #1 Reason Delegation Efforts Fail.

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