Did you know that most Americans agree they sacrifice friends, family, and sleep for their success?
In this fascinating video, psychologist Professor Philip Zimbardo explains how our individual perspectives of time affect our work, health and well-being. It’s 10 minutes, but worth it for the insights.
Insight #1: Lots of conflicts we have with people are really a conflict of different time perspectives.
-How can you apply this to your interactions with your vendors and/or clients?
Insight #2: If given an extra day, 50% of Americans would not spend it with friends or family.
-Schedule time with friends and family – and treat those appointments with the same respect you do your work appointments.
Fascinating stuff! The stuff about how kids brains and ways of thinking are being changed is thought provoking. I work with kids and I’d have to say I agree completely with that.
My husband is definitely a “busy” person. I try not to be. We don’t see eye to eye on things a lot of the time.
Thanks for sharing this. This shed a lot of light and I hope maybe if I can get him to take time to watch, it might be an aha-moment for him.
I have started getting into the habit of scheduling time w/ friends on my Google calendar. It feels a bit silly at first, but it is too easy to miss out on what is really important in life as you get caught up in everything else.
Great tip!
What an eye opener. When I first read that if Americans had an extra day….my first instinct was that I could catch up on my to-do’s maybe even get a head on some projects. Then, I came back down from the where my brain had been….If I really though about it, and asked myself what would I really do with an extra day? I could think of something that I want to do. They would include a family member or two. Thank you for the reminder. Sometimes, we don’t realize what we have until that loved one is no longer with us.
~ Jodene